Michele Sedor
Michele Sedor
Project Coordinator

Michele Sedor is the Project Coordinator in the SABES PD Center for Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs. She is responsible for the areas of Targeted Intervention (TI) support, Foundations for New Staff, and Adult Education (AE) Licensure, and she lends support to other initiatives as a member of the Ed Leadership PD Center team. Through the work of Targeted Intervention, Michele assists program directors and their staff to assess their program strengths and note areas for weakness. She helps program staff map out continuous improvement plans for addressing areas of need, works with directors on leadership skills, and overall helps programs operate more effectively. 

In addition, Michele manages the Foundations for New Staff training, including both the Overview of the Field and the Art of Teaching, and coordinates the revision and activities of AE Licensure. She is also a member of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Adult Education Advisory Council.

Michele holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Center for International Education. The focus of her graduate work was on AE and community involvement. Michele has taught both ESOL and Adult Basic Education.

In addition to teaching, Michele has worked as a trainer, a volunteer, and a provider of PD. She has presented and been a trainer on various topics, both statewide and nationally, including student persistence and volunteer management. She has worked in the AE field for 30 years and has been with SABES since 1999. Prior to working with the PD Center for Educational Leadership, she was the SABES Director for the Western Regional Office. Michele takes part in her own professional development by reading the latest research in the fields of AE and Educational Leadership as well as attending online and face-to-face professional development activities. In keeping consistent with the activities of the Ed Leadership PD Center, she continually engages in a process of self-reflection in order to continue to grow in her work.
