SABES Tips and Highlights

Leading in extraordinary times

We are leading in extraordinary times, and we’re going to figure it out one day at a time.

Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director, 

Adult and Community Learning Services

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

College & Career Math Standards Video Gets Nod from a Program Director

From a program director:

"I wanted to let you know that I just watched your overview of the CCR Math Standards, and was (again) so inspired! Thanks for putting your video out into the world, in the way you did."

Watch the video here.

Massachusetts Adult Education High Quality PD Standard #1

HQPD acknowledges and addresses the unique context of ABE, the variety of preparation and experience with which adult educators come to ABE, and the diverse realities and needs of adult learners. 

Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD)

Learning from Each Other

"I have also learned that there are different ways to approach a proportion question, and if the student can articulate his reasoning, then we can both learn from each other."

Making Sense of Proportional Reasoning, December, 2017


Everything happens at the speed of trust 

--SABES Session on Coaching