
This second installment in the series of English language arts (ELA) teacher sharing groups will focus on differentiating ELA instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners within ABE classrooms. Join us to share and learn from your colleagues to build a teaching toolkit that will enhance your practice.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • ELA teachers of all levels in ABE

Join us for a lightly facilitated discussion with your colleagues in this one-hour ELA sharing group. This sharing group will provide the opportunity to address challenges specific to teaching ELA in the adult education setting. Whether you are a seasoned educator or a new teacher, this is a space for you to exchange ideas and share best practices with your colleagues.   

In this session, our focus will be on differentiation strategies that will help you support and engage diverse learners. Come prepared to discuss your most effective differentiation strategies in the areas of student grouping, text selection, student choice, visual aids, and multilevel assignments or other strategies that work well with your adult learners.

Please come prepared to fully share and engage with your colleagues. Facilitators will provide light structure and share their expertise. 

You will receive one hour of PD credit in LACES upon completion of this event.

Please note: You cannot access this session from the SABES website. You will receive an email from Zoe Reinecke of the ELA PD Center 1–2 days before the session with instructions on how to access the Zoom session. 

For more information, please contact Zoe Reinecke at zoe_reinecke@worlded.org

Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
01/30/2024 - 2:30 pm to 01/30/2024 - 3:30 pm

United States

PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
New Staff