John Strucker Ed.D.

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John Strucker, Ed.D., passed away in May of 2022, but he leaves a lasting impact on the adult education and reading fields. Dr. Strucker provided online and face-to-face professional development for SABES in the areas of diagnostic reading assessment and reading instruction. He was a Research Associate and Principal Investigator at the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), lecturer in education, and Director of the Adult Literacy Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He also served as a project director for World Education, Inc. in the areas of reading and assessment and worked with EDC to design a reading assessment for out-of-school youth in developing countries.

Dr. Strucker consulted for U.S. Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), LINCS, the National Academy of Sciences, Statistics Canada, OECD, UNESCO, the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), and numerous state adult education agencies in the US. He got his start in adult education in Cambridge, MA, where he worked as an ABE reading teacher for 11 years.