SABES Program Support PD Center: Support for Aztec
The Program Support PD Center team collaborates with ACLS to coordinate access to trainings and resources for Aztec.
About Aztec
Massachusetts programs funded by DESE have access to the following Aztec courses:
- GED, HiSET, Spanish HSE
- GED Prep (Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, Mathematical Reasoning), HiSET Prep (Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, Mathematical Reasoning)
- Adult Basic Education (Language, Reading, Math) Levels 1–4
IMPORTANT CHANGES TO AZTEC COMING IN NOVEMBER 2023! See message from ACLS re: changes to Aztec platform in FY24.
To Request Instructor Seats in Aztec
To request program seats in Aztec, please complete this form.
Professional Development & Aztec Support
Aztec provides program-based support upon request. If you have questions or would like to arrange for professional Aztec support, please contact
Upcoming SABES PD
Webinars in Fall and Winter 2024 will be posted on the SABES Calendar soon!
FY24 SABES On-Demand Recordings
You can find Aztec PD session recordings on the PSPDC On-Demand website. Please sign into the Google Form to access the recording.
For additional support or if you have questions, please contact
Aztec Training & Professional Development Webinars
Aztec offers training and webinars for adult educators on a regular basis. Sign up for email notifications or check this site frequently.
The Aztec PLUS Administrator Guide: Updated December 2023 will help you understand the features and functions to navigate through the Learning System.
New Resources as of Spring 2024:
Aztec Enhanced Administrator Guide
Serie de Preparación para el GED: Matemáticas
Aztec Scope & Sequence GED Prep Series
Aztec Scope & Sequence Levels One and Two
Aztec Scope & Sequence Level Three
Aztec Scope & Sequence Level Four