SABES Upcoming Events
Title Date Overview
English Learners in the ABE Math Classroom (Self-Paced Modules)

Most adult education programs have English learners (ELs) in their adult basic education (ABE) courses. These ELs, like their native English-speaking classmates, are often working toward their HiSET or other education and career goals. This online course is designed help adult education instructors teach… read more

Questioning for Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom (Online Blended) -

Too often, teachers ask questions that have a single ‘right answer’. Whether or not a student gets these types of questions right or wrong, neither teacher nor classmates have learned much about the reasoning behind the student’s response. This seven-part course examines the following interconnected topics: creating a… read more

Newsela Certified Educator Program (Self-Paced Modules)

This three-session, self- paced course is an introduction to the foundations of Newsela. 

Art of Advising (Online Blended) -

The Art of Advising introduces practical tools, strategies, and approaches for staff whose primary responsibility is advising. Content and activities focus on effective practices aligned with Indicator of Program Quality #7 (IPQ7). IPQ7 addresses the equitable delivery of advising and support services to help students… read more

Art of Advising (Online Blended) -

The Art of Advising introduces practical tools, strategies, and approaches for staff whose primary responsibility is advising. Content and activities focus on effective practices aligned with Indicator of Program Quality #7 (IPQ7). IPQ7 addresses the equitable delivery of advising and support services to help students… read more