Title | Date | Overview |
English Learners in the ABE Math Classroom (Self-Paced Modules) |
Most adult education programs have English learners (ELs) in their adult basic education (ABE) courses. These ELs, like their native English-speaking classmates, are often working toward their HiSET or other education and career goals. This online course is designed help adult education instructors teach… read more |
Questioning for Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom (Online Blended) | - |
Too often, teachers ask questions that have a single ‘right answer’. Whether or not a student gets these types of questions right or wrong, neither teacher nor classmates have learned much about the reasoning behind the student’s response. This seven-part course examines the following interconnected topics: creating a… read more |
Newsela Certified Educator Program (Self-Paced Modules) |
This three-session, self- paced course is an introduction to the foundations of Newsela. |
Art of Advising (Online Blended) | - |
The Art of Advising introduces practical tools, strategies, and approaches for staff whose primary responsibility is advising. Content and activities focus on effective practices aligned with Indicator of Program Quality #7 (IPQ7). IPQ7 addresses the equitable delivery of advising and support services to help students… read more |
Art of Advising (Online Blended) | - |
The Art of Advising introduces practical tools, strategies, and approaches for staff whose primary responsibility is advising. Content and activities focus on effective practices aligned with Indicator of Program Quality #7 (IPQ7). IPQ7 addresses the equitable delivery of advising and support services to help students… read more |